
Jean Dubuffet and Art brut

Champion of Raw Art and Redefiner of Artistic Boundaries Jean Dubuffet, a groundbreaking and iconoclastic figure in 20th-century art, is best known for founding the Art Brut movement in 1945. Art Brut, or "raw art," is a unique genre that celebrates the creations of non-traditional artists operating outside the established art scene—individuals such as psychiatric patients, prisoners, and societal eccentrics. Dubuffet was deeply fascinated by the authenticity and primal energy of their work, which he believed was untainted by academic training or the commercial pressures of the art market. Jean Dubuffet, Skedaddle (L’Escampette) Jean Dubuffet and the Birth of Art Brut Dubuffet's journey into Art Brut began with his desire to find a purer, more genuine form of artistic expression. He was disillusioned with the conventional art world's focus on technique, conformity, and marketability. Instead, he sought out works that emanated raw emotion and untamed creativity. This

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